Victor Fernandes

Full Stack Engineer and Growth Hacker

I’ve worked with over 100 companies globally on engineering and implementing secure, reliable and fast applications. My experience in software development, security, and marketing enables me to implement solutions that lead to greater conversions while being secure and maintainable. I specialize in website performance optimization, hardening, and single page applications. You can read more about my work at LinkedIn or if you are looking for my source available work, it’s on my GitHub.

Victor Fernandes
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
Martin Fowler
I Write Software

Martin Fowler’s words have made an impact on the way I write software. I ensure my work is clean, maintainable, and easy to understand. I strongly believe that your code is the best documentation and it should be understandable by both experienced and new developers.

I’ve mostly worked on Web Technologies ranging from WordPress sites to Progressive Web Apps. I’m most proficient with React.js and WordPress and have also implemented a couple of large scale web apps using Angular.

I’m Upwork Inc’s top certified JavaScript developer (as of April 2018) and have worked with JS for most of my professional life. I’ve built products like web analytics solutions that track user activity and conversions and admin interfaces based on Vanilla JS during the pre npm era.

Inbound Marketing & Beyond

I specialize in Digital Marketing. Every company is unique and so is my Marketing Strategy. I’ve helped companies increase conversions by up to 850% within a span of 2 months and also save thousands of dollars spent on marketing while increasing conversions. I track stakeholders through every step of the sales funnel. This way I can help you identify underperforming key metrics and then optimize it. I’m certified by HubSpot Inc and Google and studied Digital Marketing at the Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur.

Contact Victor

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